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Significance of PTSD Awareness

ptsd awareness

National PTSD Awareness Day raises awareness of PTSD—Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In 2010, the U.S. Senate declared the day of recognition as June 27, and the National Center for PTSD named June PTSD Awareness Month. Awareness about PTSD is huge, as it brings knowledge and compassion; it hunts down judgment and fear. June is awareness month of PTSD, representing empathy and awareness toward the feared Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The trauma of this stressor has affected millions in the world population and has a global negative impact on mental health. This blog post will outline the identification of the symptoms of PTSD and accessing effective treatment. Together, we’ll find the importance of PTSD awareness!

What Is PTSD?

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is one of the mental health conditions that develop after exposure of an individual to a traumatic event, be it through witnessing or going through it. Examples include natural disasters, severe accidents, terrorist acts, war, or other violent personal assaults.

Characterized by intense and problem-causing thoughts that are Thought well, feelings related to the traumatic event stay in this woman’s mind for long after it occurred. If you or anyone you know is struggling with PTSD, you may reach out to MAVA Behavioral Health for better treatment.

National PTSD Awareness Month

Every year, June 27 is observed as PTSD Awareness Day to raise awareness among individuals about PTSD and how it can be disturbing to the public, families, and society as a whole. It’s a time reminding us all to reach out, educate ourselves on PTSD, support those struggling at this moment, and work on breaking the stigma around mental health. Similarly, June is PTSD Awareness Month, which provides an important opportunity to bring forward much-needed attention to the many overlooked challenges those living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder endure.

Individuals, organizations, and entire communities come together throughout the PTSD month to raise general awareness of the prevalence, effects, and treatment opportunities. National PTSD Awareness Day is only one day of the year. We need to help the people we serve all year long and continue to decrease the stigma associated with PTSD. Awareness is about teaching people who don’t have PTSD and reaching out to those who do.

What Are Some Common Symptoms of PTSD?

After such events, a person can start having some symptoms if they cannot work through the things that happened to them or that they witnessed. These symptoms might include the following:

  • Disturbing memories or thoughts
  • Nightmares
  • Sleep apnea
  • Feeling irritable
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Experiencing flashback memories

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What Are the Causes Of PTSD?

The things we find traumatizing can vary from person to person. There are lots of different harmful or life-threatening events that might lead to someone developing PTSD. For example:

  • Experiencing a car crash.
  • Being raped or sexually assaulted.
  • You are being abused, harassed, or bullied – including racism, homophobia, biphobia or transphobia, and other types of abuse aimed at your identity.
  • Being kidnapped, held hostage, or any event in which you fear for your life.
  • Seeing other people hurt, including in the course of your job– is sometimes called secondary trauma.
  • You are doing a job where you repeatedly see or hear distressing things, such as working in the emergency services or armed forces.

Why Is It Important to Be Aware of PTSD?

There are many reasons why awareness is so vitally important. Awareness will bring about early intervention, proper treatment of the condition, and a compassionate society. Additionally, the PTSD awareness ribbon is typically teal in color, symbolizing support and awareness for those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. Here are some key reasons why its awareness is important:

1. Early Detection and Intervention

Awareness can help in getting noticed with the symptoms of PTSD at an early stage. Early detection can provide timely intervention, and this, in turn, enhances treatment efficacy. Identification at an earlier stage allows for seeking help, which means they have a better chance of recovery and can manage their symptoms better.

2. Reducing Stigma

Many people with PTSD keep it due to the stigma that is usually associated with mental health disorders. Raising awareness will reduce this stigma, and hence, more people will come out to seek help without the fear of judgment or discrimination.

3. Providing Support

Awareness campaigns will educate the masses on how to provide help and support to a friend, family member, or colleague who may be experiencing PTSD. If the disease were understood, immense support and empathy from people would create a favorable environment for the victims affected by that disorder.

4. Access To More Resources

It will advance awareness of the avenues available in dealing with PTSD, thereby facilitating access to services and resources for the affected people. These resources range from mental health services and support groups to educational materials necessary for addressing the condition. Participating in PTSD awareness activities can help educate communities and provide support for those affected by trauma.

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5. Promote Research and Funding

Greater awareness among people can help fund and support research into PTSD and possibly bring new treatments that give a better quality of life for those affected.

Who Can Develop PTSD?

It could affect any person, regardless of age. There are a lot of opportunities that may increase the likelihood of a person developing PTSD. The color teal is commonly used to represent awareness of PTSD. Therefore, teal is considered to be the color of PTSD awareness. Some of these risk factors are things that nobody has control over. For example, if a person has gone through an extremely traumatic event, then they have more chances of developing PTSD. If that particular person was hurt while experiencing such an event, then the risk of developing PTSD increases.

Some types of PTSD for example, in combat, many people have developed PTSD. Other personal factors that might impact the development of PTSD are past experiences of trauma, age, and gender. The second refers to what happens after the event. Stress increases the chances of getting PTSD, while social support decreases it.

PTSD Treatment

Treatment for PTSD can take many forms, but recent research has found that a fast way to recur is the use of medication helps most sufferers alleviate their symptoms or become symptom-free. People seeking treatment or currently in treatment must discuss the options with their healthcare provider because treatment goals and plans are individual to each patient.


  • SSRIs: Sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) are indicated for PTSD and have FDA approval.
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs): Venlafaxine, known under the brand name Effexor.
  • Prazosin: Normally used in the treatment of nightmares in patients with PTSD.
  • Other medications: These are occasionally used off-label, such as antipsychotics or mood stabilizers, but their effectiveness may vary.

For medication management for PTSD, you may reach out to our healthcare providers at MAVA Behavioral Health for better assistance.

Final Note

Awareness of PTSD is more than just making people aware of a disorder; it strives to build a society that is empathetic, kind, and caring towards its citizens’ mental health. Through education, open conversation, and community aid, we are able to set up the environment in which persons living with PTSD thrive and lead full exploratory lives. Awareness is the beginning towards acceptance, support, and healing. For more information and to explore effective PTSD treatment options, contact us at MAVA Behavioral Health.



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