
Effective ADHD Management Approaches at MAVA Behavioral Health

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavior-related disorder. Individuals with ADHD can appear restless, have difficulty concentrating, and act on impulse. It affects approximately 4.2% of all adults in the United States. However, there are likely to be many more adults who have not been diagnosed with the same condition. Even though ADHD is called childhood ADHD, its signs start early and can last into adulthood. Sometimes, ADHD isn’t diagnosed until someone is an adult. That’s why getting the right treatment from an ADHD psychiatrist is important.

That’s why getting the right treatment from an ADHD psychiatrist is important. At MAVA Behavioral Health, our licensed healthcare providers help children manage ADHD. Our team works passionately to give personalized care that fits your teen’s needs. We are dedicated to ensuring patient get the best evidence-based treatment for their mental health and well-being.

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    Symptoms of ADHD

    Difficulty Focusing

    • Daydreaming
    • Forgetfulness
    • Mental Fatigue
    • Impulsivity

    Low Frustration Tolerance

    • Negative self-talk
    • Low resilience
    • Impaired problem-solving
    • Impatience

    Mood Fluctuations

    • Emotional instability
    • Intense emotions
    • Frequent crying
    • Sadness

    Difficulty Controlling Anger

    • Verbal aggression
    • Impatience
    • Blame and criticism
    • Regret and guilt

    Causes of ADHD

    Experts are unsure what causes ADHD. Studies indicate a strong link between the disorder and genetics. You may be more likely to inherit it if it is passed down from generations. Causes of ADHD include:

    • Had a brain injury, and sometimes it is genetically inherited
    • Effect of smoking on the child during mother’s pregnancy
    • Premature birth of a baby or low-weight childbirth
    • Exposure to lead or other toxic environmental products

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    Diagnosing ADHD

    When you notice symptoms of ADHD in your child, the first thing you should do is consult a healthcare professional. At MAVA Behavioral Health, our medical professionals will diagnose ADHD in your child by asking a few questions and examining some symptoms. 

    Similarly, children under the age of four cannot be diagnosed because they mature quickly and exhibit active or inactive behavior at this age. Many children suffer from anxiety or depression in parallel, which means they cannot be diagnosed at a young age.

    Nonetheless, there is no specific ADHD test for teens that can be used to diagnose the disorder. To make a diagnosis, our ADHD psychiatrists take a few steps and gather a lot of information from the child during a formal evaluation and assessment period. Following that, they may be able to recommend the best option possible.

    Diagnosing ADHD

    Our Treatment Method

    Our goal for ADHD treatment is to improve your child’s symptoms so they can function better at home and school. For younger children (ages 4 and 5). Therefore, we recommend starting with parent interventions before considering medication. We aim to create a supportive environment for the children through effective discussion with the parents. You can access our online ADHD diagnosis and prescription services for your child’s mental health.

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    Medication Management

    Medication is useful for people facing the issue of ADHD to manage their signs and symptoms. Sometimes, these are the adequate options for you to tackle your challenge in a very calm and peaceful way. Therefore, a variety of medicines are used to treat and manage ADHD for the child above six years old.

    • Our healthcare providers use stimulants as the most common ADHD medication during treatment. When children with ADHD take these medications, their ADHD symptoms improve by 70% to 80%.
    • Our ADHD psychiatrist may recommend nonstimulants after assessing your child’s current condition. Nonstimulants work slower than stimulants and have a smaller impact, but their effects can last up to 24 hours. If stimulants aren’t working for your child, an ADHD psychiatrist may recommend adding a non-stimulant.
    • Antidepressants are now commonly used to treat ADHD. Medical professionals sometimes prescribe them alone or in conjunction with another ADHD medication.
    • You can use our telehealth services to easily access ADHD medication online. It’s a convenient and accessible way to receive the treatment you need for ADHD from the comfort of your own home.
    Medication Management

    Our ADHD Psychiatrists

    If you are concerned that your child may have ADHD, contact a mental health psychiatrist. They can guide you through the process of receiving a diagnosis and developing the best treatment plan for your child.

    If you know someone with Inattentive ADHD, we can help! Our treatment plan will assist in managing the condition and providing ongoing support. At MAVA Behavioral Health, our experienced psychiatrist for ADHD will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you succeed and achieve your long-term goals. 

    Therefore, consider visiting a nearby ADHD treatment center for prompt treatment and suitable services moving forward.

    Count on Us for Mental Health Guidance

    Count on Us for Mental Health Guidance

    At MAVA Behavioral Health, we are dedicated to helping you live a balanced and fulfilling life despite the challenges of ADHD. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common, lifelong condition that affects people of all ages. While it can impact your child’s behavior and attention, it is treatable through proper medication. If you’re concerned your child may have ADHD, contact our healthcare provider at MAVA Behavioral Health. We’ll guide you through getting a diagnosis and creating the right treatment plan for your child. Contact us today to start your journey toward effective ADHD management and improved well-being.

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